We decided to take a look at this place because we were referred by a friend. Starting off, the model they show you is NOT the floor plan you get. The kitchen sink, the chandelier, the fridge, the microwave, the carpet, the dishwasher, the blinds, the wood flooring and the bathroom sink are all considered ""upgrades"" in that model. I asked the lady that showed us the model if it included any of it and her response was "" I hate showing this floor plan because everyone asks that"". I was told by both girls that showed us the model that the new carpet was included in all models- the property manager told us that it wasn't. Then we were quoted a certain price by a girl named Jessica ( who wore her sunglasses the entire time she showed us the floor model) and then were told the second time we viewed the flooring that the price would be honored because we had paperwork verifying the price by a black lady who acted like we were bothering her. After the leasing paperwork was filed out we brought it back and ended up being given the property manager. The property manager didn't even introduce herself, ask us what was going on and just directly told us that the price we were quoted couldn't be honored. The price for the floor plan we wanted is $825 plus $60 just for the wood flooring- each month- we were quoted just the $825. After speaking with her and addressing our concerns she said she would talk to her boss and get back to us and it's been 3 weeks and haven't heard anything. Our friend emailed Jessica and asked a question for us and she ignored the question. They ended up giving him a two bedroom two bath for $825- without wood flooring. We were looking at a 1/1. They also fail to mention that the parking there has been an issue and that the price doesn't include water, sewer or trash. This all is just a portion of what we encountered with Pine Harbour in the last three weeks. Apparently the property manager has been in her position for only a few months and at the rate she's going she won't be there much longer.