I have become quite addicted to using Pike Place Fish's website for ordering fresh salmon for my parents. Each Christmas time for the past several years I have ordered a whole fish to be flown out to them in Kansas. Considering fresh whole King Salmon is hard to come by in the middle of the USA it is seen as quite a treat for mom and dad. It's also nice when I send a big fish for them to occasionally share it with my brothers and their families too. Summertime is when I prefer to do one for the whole clan since grilling is a wonderful summer tradition with the family.
When I have the time I'll head down to the Pike Place Market and usually I'll pick up fish for our house too, but when time is short and I need to do things quickly the website is easy to use. More than just salmon is on the site so it's worth checking out what's fresh and some of the other items to make a package out of it when you can. Sometimes I change up what I send just so they don't get tired of it.
The part my mom likes is that they get the fish in and then she'll split it up into individual portions for her and dad that they can keep in the freezer and then pull out as they need or want them. It's a wonderful way for them to enjoy the salmon for up to a month or more and it's a way for me to show them love and appreciation. I know they really like it so I enjoy sending it to them. Plus, it's a great seafood break between turkey, ham, and beef at Thanksgiving and Christmas time.