I have a long history of dental problems resulting from having poor dental care as a child, no insurance as a young adult, and 20 years of cigarette smoking. I quit smoking in 1996, and a year later, had all of my dental issues treated and a lot of cosmetic work. My ongoing dental care since that time includes deep scaling, bone grafts, and major cosmetic and reconstructive work, including one dental implant. I have also been extremely conscientious about my dental care since that time. I floss at least once daily, brush at least twice daily, use a proxabrush to clean between my teeth, brush for at least 2 minutes daily with a Sonicare toothbrush, and end each day with a 30-second Listerine rinse. In addition, I have my teeth professionally cleaned every 3 months. I couldn't of done this without you. Thank you Picacho.\r