check Yelp before making any decision.
I got a deal online and was really excited about having a smart lipo.
Well, my enthusiasm definitely faded since.
BEWARE TO double check the Doctor assigned for the SmartLipo and BE CAUTIOUS before signing any document.
I went to the initial assessment with my medical history and it was decided that Dr Menon would contact my physician to talk about the meds I am taking daily.
At that time, they had me fill several papers.
I had to call the center several times to remind them to call my doctor to whom I had talked with.
2 weeks later, I finally got the OK from Dr Menon.
We scheduled a date that I had to confirm within a week as I was not sure to be in town that day.
I received a confirmation email and the Doctor assigned to the surgery WAS NOT Dr Menon, worst I was unable to find any information and/or on the Doctor assigned... So wrong!
I then called to inform them that I will withhold the surgery until Dr Menon is available.
During that time, the papers I filled were used to open a credit line on my account and 7K were charged. Imagine my surprise and frustration!
I called Shaleena (Campbell Office) to get some explanation. It was never in my understanding that I had signed some paper allowing them to charge me.
She had told me that she was just checking my credit and as it is excellent I ""could"" if I wish benefit of the no-fee credit.
Not only I got assigned an unknown Doctor BUT they charged me without clearly explaining it.
Highly frustrated, I canceled the surgery and ask for a reimbursement.
Just that step was ridiculously difficult. When I finally was given the papers to sign, Shaleena and Djamila informed me that it will take between 4 to 6 weeks to get reimbursed.
It has been now EIGHT WEEKS and I am still waiting.
I called the center and was informed that nobody from the billing department was in... ummm, seriously!
UPDATE: I finally was able to talk to someone 10 days ago after several tentatives. NOT THE BILLING DEPARTMENT though. Unreachable!!! Margo is part of a somewhat relation department. 10 weeks in and she is not returning my calls now.
As Angel, I am seriously thinking that the next step is the medical board, BBB complaint and small claims!!!!