My husband and I decided to take a trip out to Hood River to escape the city. After a great lunch downtown at Three Rivers Grill, we were advised to try Cathedral Ridge and Phelps Creek. We saw the sign for Pheasant Valley, and we said, ""Why not?""
Well, now, we know why... ""NOT"". Where do we start? It's the triple B's. Bad wines (not fresh, high alcohol), Bad service, Bad views. Oops, quadruple B's. I almost forgot the Bad driveway. The winery itself looks like a trailer, so if you see a nice building, you have turned down the wrong pot hole filled driveway. Too bad we did not take our 4x4 truck, it doesn't get a lot of off road use.
If you care for good wines, good service, a view of the valley and your car, this is NOT your winery.
So if you find yourself asking ""Why Not"", the answer is NOT, because of the quadruple B's.