If you purchase a pup from Petite Pets you are also supporting puppy mills because that is where they get them!!
One poster complained about costs, well Petite Pets pays about $200 each pup to the puppy mill, cleans it up, MIGHT get rid of diseases, worms, coccidia and giardia, parvo and more then turns around and gets $1000 to $2000 a puppy. For those prices, you can go to a top notch, ethical breeder and still make a donation to a rescue service for that breed if you want.
You could wind up with a very sick puppy from there, look where they come from, PA, Amish or usually the Mid West puppy mills. Those places shoot the dogs when they need to be put down or Overdose them with wormers or antibiotics. :*[ It is not done humanely nor is the care of them humane.
If you support pet shops that sell puppies, you're supporting the puppy mills as well.
Go to the local clubs of the breed you want and find a recommended breeder with healthy, well bred pups whose parents have clearances, dogs have been shown in conformation or obedience and proper love and care is given.
This is the only way to get rid of puppy mills and pet shops that sell them!
I'm sure you've seen the expose's on the news. Please don't support these places that don't care about dogs, they're treated like cattle being sent to slaughter.