This store is great. They have just about anything a pet owner could want. The location is new and in great condition. As well as pet supplies and books there are also birds, mice, rats, hamsters and other rodents and a large fish selection. There are also dogs and cats available for adoption through the local humane society. The viewing area for these animals are the nicest I have ever seen.
As well as all the supplies for pets , Petsmart also offers obedience training in store and has a grooming facility on site.
This store is unique because you can take your animals in with you. There are clean up and disposal supplies located throughout the store for animal accidents. My dog absolutely loves this store, she gets so excited when we pull into the parking lot. She loves picking out her own toys and treats. Every now and then she also gets to pick out her new bed.
I am a big supporter of Petsmart because of the ethics of the company. They do not support or patronize breeding mills or other companies with practices that are not in animals' best interests unlike another large chain pet store who I will not name.
My daughter loves the store too, she loves walking the aisles and looking at all the pictures of animals on the packages and seeing other people's pets as well. All animals are on leashes and are controlled by their owners. So far I have never witnessed or experienced a problem with someone not controlling their pet. The pet owners seem to be respectful of other customers. It is really nice.,
It is a great store and I highly recommend it to all pet owners or would be pet owners.