Whether you're going on vacation, traveling for business or just busy, we are here to help care for, play with and pamper your precious pet(s)! We care for your pets as you would, in the comfort of their own home.
As professionals we understand that your pets are a very important part of the family and we are sensitive to their unique needs. We realize you want the BEST for your pets when you can't be there, which is what we want too.
Pet Sitters Unlimited is the perfect alternative to pet care while you are away. We love what we do and we take pride in the high standard of service we provide each and everyone of our clients in our care.
Whether you have Dogs, Cats, Birds, Fish, Bunnies or Chickens, we have the experience. We also care for Horses, Ponies, Goats, Sheep and even Llamas. Really!
Why are we the Best sitters in the neighborhood? Well for starters, we've been in business since 1993. That says a lot for an industry where it is common for sitters to move on to other careers after a year or two. Another reason we are the Best, Pet Sitters Unlimited staff are employee's (Not contractors). This is for the safety of your pets, your home or sitters and peace of mind for our clients.
At the end of our walks or pet sitting visits, your sitter will leave a report card letting you know how everything went and often a picture or two of your pet will end up posted on our Facebook page .So be sure to "Like" us on Facebook!. * Pet Sitting in your Home
* Mid day Dog walks
* Overnight Stays with your pet(s) in your home
* House sitting (with-out Pets)
* Pet Taxi