The Pet Sitters of America Inc is a veterinarian recommended pet sitting service, dog training, animal education and rescue training service located in Libertyville, IL and serving the Far North and North Shore suburbs of Chicago since 1987. We provide pet sitting service, dog training, dog walking and exercising, animal education and rescue. We will come and go from your home up to four times per day while you are away. We will stay overnight in your home while you are away. We will walk your dog once or twice a day while you work or play. We are a family owned and operated, full time pet sitting service!
We give private lessons for your dogs, which include:
• Obedience and behavior training
• Agility training
• Rescue training
We are very proud of our involvement in the Volunteer Pet Therapy Program where volunteers take their pets to visit the residents of a nursing home twice a month.
Call today to book a service or get more information.