So, my dog got stung by a bee in his eye, I had to take him to my regular vet and he performed the surgery...I was able to take him home the same day, but wasnt given any medication from my primary vet. I called the emergency clinic, and they told me to bring him in....because i had just been to the vet they gave me a dicount (instead of $75, i paid $50)...however, i waited forever, then they took my dog back without me, the DR gave him 3 shots, for pain, sedative, and antibiotic....then they front desk lady brought him out to me, and said your total is $250....WHAT!! I never said to give him those shots, what i made very clear to the front desk girl, is that i want to the DR to see him, and tell me what he thinks would be best.....but the DR took it into his own hands, and I was the one who had to pay the bill....then I waited for almost 2 hours so i could just talk to the DR but he was too chicken to come out, since he knew he was in the cant just give dog medicati
Pros: Hot Dr and have meds
Cons: read below