This agency uses personal issues in determining whether you are ""fit"" to adopt a pet. Spend a good hour looking at their pets and they do not even get up to ask if you are offering a good home to one of their needy and loving pets. Let their children or family members make the decision as to whether you fit the pets needs. And be sure that you agree with EVERYTHING they say, because difference of opinions will affect the outcome. Also, don't count on courtesy or respect, much less professionalism. Remember that they are a neutering/spaying assistance program, NOT an adoption agency and they really aren't sure how to handle this end of the business. Check out their follow-up program and you will see that very few pets are seen ever again...wonder how many are dead, declawed, given away or lost? Well, they don't know. Their responses are that they are too busy with their many aspects of life to make the pet adoption a priority.\r
DO NOT adopt from these people...go to the Humane Society where the pets will most like be euthanized.
Pros: Sweet, loving animals needing a home
Cons: People that do not prioritize the adoption process.