My daughter just came from an hour long cranial massage, and the therapist called me to ask who applied her tattooed eyebrows. She stared at Rachel's face for an hour and could not believe how natural her eyebrows looked! She said she has seen some horrible ones and would not have known they were tattooed on if I didn't tell her! You can't get any better than that!!! She wanted the name and contact info of the person with the amazing gift! Esther, you are a rarity who would do what you do for free if money were not a necessity. The joy you bring to others is without measure! While some people come to you purely for aesthetics, many come for so much more--a change of attitude, a feeling of belonging, a rebirth. I am so pleased to know you and wish you all the happiness you graciously give to others. God bless you. (And yes, my eyeliner makes me feel pretty as soon as I awake--the time you have saved me in getting ready is substantial--because of you I am more productive and therefore happier.)