Welcome to Performance Auto Repair.
We offer the most advanced computerized technology for your vehicle. Computerized systems allow us to troubleshoot and diagnose your vehicles problems and check engine light status more than any other method. If emissions has caused you trouble in the past you will be very pleased with our services so you don't have to come back again and again. Some of our many services include:
- Domestic and Foreign Auto Repair
- Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Repair
- Fleet Accounts Welcome
- Car Maintenance and Repairs
- Late Model Car Repairs
- Emission and Check Engine Light Repairs
- Brakes
- Oil Changes, Tune-Ups, Exhaust, Electrical
- Suspension Repairs
- Diesel and High Performance Repairs and Modifications
- ASE Certified Mechanics
- Locally Owned Family Owned Business
- Serving Northwest Indiana since 1990
Thank you for choosing Performance Auto we look forward to helping you keep your vehicle up to your standards.
Oil Changes, Fleet Accounts Welcome, Domestic & Foreign Auto Repair, Brake's, ASE Certified, Tune-Ups, Tune UPS, Specializing In Check Engine Light Repairs, Reliable & Honest Service, Prompt, Emissions