Leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Peoples Church is a community church in the Kankakee area and we are excited for you to visit us. Our Mission is to designed to help people find, follow, and fulfill their life purpose in Christ. We placeevents, meeting, upbeat people, worship and hear an inspiring and positive message. We are a very family friendly church. Events Include: Small GroupsMan ChurchYouth MinistryMore MinistriesSunday Services: First Service 8:30 a.m. - sanctuary. Nursery (birth - 3yrs)Peoples Perk Coffee Shop 7:30 a.m. - end of services. Second Service10:30 a.m. - sanctuary. Nursery (birth - 3 yrs)PCKIDS 10:30 a.m. (pre-K-5th grade) Please come visit us today or come visit our website at www.peopleschurchtoday.org for more information.. |Education|Ministers|Bible Study|Evangelical Churches|Non-Denominational Churches