The daily hustle and bustle in the west parking lot of "Labor Ready" located at Amarillo and Polk Street
consists of a constant gathering of "prostitutes,crackheads,open consumption of alcoholic beverages,panhandlers moving back and forth
across Polk st. to the H&L Discount Store parking lot
harassing customers going in and out of that
business. Even though The Labor Ready Co. has "No Loitering, No Trespassing and and No Alcoholic Beverages signs posted on this "west side " of the
building, no effort has been made by the "Manager" of this "Labor Ready" location to control or stop the problem.In fact, "Labor Ready Co.", has aided and/or
compounded the problem in the following ways:
1. Leaving chairs out so that these people who do not
live ih this neighborhood can sit comfortably in the
westside parking lot and publicly consume alcoholic beverages,publically urinate and deficate,smoke crack,
prostitutes solicit "Johns", and Panhandle customers
at the H&LDiscount Store across the street.
2. These activities are known by the "Manager" of this
"Labor Ready"Co. location but no effort is made to warn these lawbreakers, Why?? Probably because the
"Manager" does not live in this neighborhood....
This constant onslaught of crime in our neighborhood
affects "property values". "The Labor Ready" Co. at this
location is a "Major Crime Scene" just waiting to "Explode".
Special Note: If you don't believe me .....Just drive by
sometime....24/7......bring your camera...... you will be amazed at what you might see......