As typical, a small storefront in a strip-mall.\r
Greeted by two young ladies, seem very professional.\r
Took a 70 plus questionnaire - most of which had nothing to do with my potential as a employee. With very few exceptions - the questions were divided between drug use, financial status, honesty and violent tendencies.\r
Answers were entered in a small electronic box and supposedly transmitted to a central location to be evaluated. Moments later, the box indicated if you had passed this test or were disqualified. \r
No specific reason is given is one fails to qualify. \r
Can only suppose it is set up to weed out those that are too honest and/or those attempting to answer the questionnaire in a way to make them to come off the best. If disqualified, can not reapply with Labor Ready for a year.\r
Have talked with a few others who have used or attempted to use this service and it would seem that one needs be either an ex-con or ex-druggy to qualify. [????]\r
Found to be a total waste of time and effort.\r
Whatever happened to face-to-face evaluations?