When I first started working out here a few years ago, I really dug this little gym. It was worn, but clean, and more shabby then shiny. But then again...so am I! There was an absence of the sort of lycra-clad snootery you find at trendier gyms. People of all ages worked our contentedly in old sweatpants and frayed T-shirts, without feeling self-conscious. Then, I took a three year hiatis from the gym, preferring to run outside, and only recently rejoined. Amazed, I found that the state of renovation it had been in over three years ago was still in full swing. Everything is constantly moved around, as if the owner were a bored housewife, constanly re-arranging the furniture. It's annoying. For example, the aerobics studio has been moved next to the yoga studio, and yoga classes are muffled by blaring workout music. It just doesn't make sense. They also just crammed all the bikes into a raquet ball court, next to a recently crammed-in boxing ring. Yes, on paper, pennsport has a long list of cool stuff... climbing wall, boxing ring, sundeck, free internet... but a lot of it is unused or cheap looking. Their pool for example... I NEVER see anyone in it, and the two times I've tried to go in, the chlorine was so strong it seriously burned my eyes, and my skin was dry and itchy, even after I showered. They recently cut the women's locker room in half, without any warning. They just put a note up saying that if your locker was missing, you could find it downstairs in the hallway. They are always painting (with ugly colors), which stinks up the whole place. Tarps and tools are everywhere, all the time. Basically, this gym is no longer shabby sheek...it's just shabby! I don't think the owner will ever stop moving, painting, changing, and redecorating things, and he really doesn't have the expertise the continue experimenting with aesthetics. Go somewhere else, unless your schedule demands that you work out at 3am. In that case, the 24 hour thing might trump the annoyances.
Pros: 24-Hour, Nice Staff, new treadmills with TV monitors, location
Cons: always under unnecassary repair, disorganized