We have family members buried here for a while now. Service has got worsen probably due to bad economy, budget cuts..., but over all they still do an ok job to complete the funeral service when in need. I have to post this, because lately within this past 2 yrs, so many many cases of visitors' cars got broken into, purses and other personal items got taken away, while they park their cars there to go pay visits to their family members out in the gravesites. It happened to my family members as well, they loss their stuffs within 5 minutes. Sadly, we have reported the problems to the office and hope something can be done. Another case happened yesterday, the minute the person got down to put flower in vase and that was when the alarm went off. Walking to her car and saw window broken, purse, sunglasses were gone......We just also saw broken glasses in the parking lot by funeral home as well. Just want to post this so people can be awared of what is going on here at this funeral home. Hope this help.