My son attended the Raleigh office before I removed him from therapy at PTA. While we liked each and every therapist we worked with, they kept leaving. It was so difficult for him to bond and form meaningful relationships with his therapists when every time we turned around we were given some excuse of another as to why we needed to change therapists because ours was no longer going to be working there. I'm leery of the fact that the turnover is so high. One of our therapists told us the staff work a 10.5 hour work day with only a 30 minute unpaid lunch break. A schedule like that takes a definite toll on the employees and inevitably the quality of services. We had to switch our appointment for an evening appointment at 6pm one day, and our normally sweet, caring, and energizing (seen in the morning) therapist, who had been working with special needs children since 8am that day, was burnt out, exhausted, and seemed to have nothing left to give. I can't say that I blame her. To think they do that day in and day out, it has to effect the quality of the therapy. I just couldn't keep my son in an environment where I knew the staff were unhappy and leaving, and we couldn't establish any consistency with the therapists we were seeing.