The way that John & John & Kyle wood run there store is So MUCH MORE different then ur basic chain stores that don't really care for you or if u r going through family issues!!!.... But the employers of PEDDLERS ALLEY truly do!!!!!!.....they have literally put there BLOOD SWEAT & tears into this BUSSINESS that was worth fighting to keep around!!!!...... Soon we won't have these AMAZING SMALL BUSSINESS THAT DON'T KNO I BY OUR FIRST NAME WHEN WE WALK INTO THERE STORE AND OR TAKE THE TIME TO WANT TO GET TO KNO OUR LIKES AND DISLIKES!!!! PEDDLERS ALLEY I HOPE N KNO THAT IT WILL B AROUND FOR A VERY LONG TIME!!!!! It's ran like a family everyone there r amazing ppl that I had such a great opportunity to meet and get to kno!!!!! John , John & and my sweet KYLE WOOD KEEP UP THE GREAT work guys!!!!! U do such an amazing job I'm so proud of you guys!!!!!\r