The Pearce & Associates/Marknet Alliance team offers both live, onsite auctions with our professional staff and “ebay” type internet auctions through our company website.We evaluate each property or asset and recommend which type of auction to use in that situation.Every auction is posted on our company website as well as all 40 Marknet member websites throughout the Country. This results in thousands of potential buyers seeing the assets that are being offered. Our online auction platform also allows us to sell hundreds of foreclosed properties at one time as well as single personal property items such as a piece of heavy equipment or vehicle.
. Pearce & Associates/Marknet Alliance
We are a professional Auction Firm specializing in selling real estate and significant personal property assets by both live and online auction. Our Marknet Alliance organization consist of 40 of the nations top auction firms located in 22 states. Our group averages 250 to 300 auctions every 30 days and currently has over 450 auctions posted including Land,Homes,Commercial Properties,Estates,Equipment and Businesses. Collectively,we can service any client selling everything from thousands of bank owned properties to tractors,automobiles and business equipment.