Every Friday I go with my mother to do the food shopping I prefer ShopRite over Pathmark but we go to Pathmark. What I detest about shopping at this Pathmark in particular is how they can have a product and discontinue it at the drop of a hat. For example Silk's unsweetened organic soymilk they carried this one in particular and then discontinued it to make room for all the sweetened Silk soymilk products. Another problem I have with this store is everytime I go in there there is always some fat lady in a power cart who runs over my foot when she needs to get off her ass and push a shopping cart to lose some goddamn weight. Another problem I have is with the fish market, I will wait in line for a while and the staff doesn't acknowledge who is next in line I was waiting for over 15 minutes for two salmon portions and this lady who just showed up got assisted before me. Late at night after hours and they are open they block all the checkout lanes except for three with overturned shopping carts to discourage customers from going to a closed checkout when they should know by the light being off. It's not a great place to shop they overcharge and my family buys the same stuff every week and we spend $40 more here than we do at ShopRite.