The next time you may be in need of some Guitar strings, or pads for your clarinet or flute,...don't be afraid to go visit Good Ol' Joey "LORD" Brezeski up at Pastel Record and Music Co..
I have known Joey all my life, and I have ALWAYS had GREAT stories and comments about him personally, and business like.
He is a FANTASTIC person all round, and a great business man.
He sells, almost, anythig and everything, and he has a great selection of Song books and sheets music as well.
If your children find an interest in music, and would like to play an instrument being either privately or through their local school band, take them to Pastel Record and Music Co., and Joey will help you with your decision.
Mind you,...the prices may be a bit steep,..but instruments, if taken care of properly and maintained regularly, can last a lifetime. Your miniscule financial setback, could someday reward you TEN FOLD!!!