I was an inmate at the Passaic County Jail on remand from May 06 - Dec 06. This place was not fit for an animal. There wasnt any heating, in the summer you would have to wear just bra and underwear - so to hot, In the winter far to cold, only given 1 sheet and 1 blanket. Food was stone cold, I am not asking for 5star, but expect a hot meal, meals would sit in corridor for hours until served to you, so cold chilli and cold mystery meat with cold mash most days. 24 hour lockdown, not allowed outside the cell unless there was any exercise, exercise should be 1 hour a day, 10 days went by at a time without being called out the cell for exercise, reports have shown on other websites that judges even feel we should have reductions in our sentences, you were spoken to like dirt by officers, they wanted respect but no respect given, I went to a detention centre after my time in Passaic in New York, that was still 24 Lock down but was like a holiday camp compared to where I was, I have never been on anti depressents and with in 2 weeks of me being in Passaic I was on Zoloft and Prozac and Elivil. The Passaic County Jail in Paterson, NJ, needs to be shut down and inmates transferred to MDC and MCC. Yes, I was only an inmate but I am and all the other inmates there are human and we do have rights.