If you are able to choose another practice I would advise it. My perception of this practice is that it is very negative, the staff are so rude you just can't believe it. The doctors I saw always seemed to be stumped. It almost seemed like a studied type of non-intervention. An ex-employee told me some hideous stories- if even half are true it is sickening. Dr. Gray and Oberdoester refuted accepted protein marker/tumor marker tests. CA-125 and the c-reactive protein. They should tell their partners who order the tests that they are ""useless"". I don't really care how much time a doctor spends with me- but diagnosing across the room, i.e. Dr. Paul telling me to ""ice"" my knee - he didn't touch it, bend it ,ask me to bend it or watch me ambulate and Dr. Gray telling me she was sure the symptoms I was having were not heart related from her little stool in the corner of the room, without so much as taking a pulse( no the assistant didn't do it either) Why do all reports tell women to check these symptoms out if they occur- left arm pain radiating to jaw, back pain and extreme acute fatigue- if they are meaningless. That is a good way to teach patients not to check out these sypmtoms_ so if that is their goal -then job well done. I am going elsewhere.
Pros: good magazines in the waiting room
Cons: rude staff- doctors who seem stumped by everything