Parkway Chiropractic Center P.C.
For many years, Dr. Allan Schwalm has been providing exceptional care for all chiropractic patients. Using proven treatments that are also natural and non-surgical, Dr. Schwalm takes pride in serving the community with authentic concern to alleviate the pain and accompanying symptoms with the goal of regaining excellent health. For this purpose, family chiropractic care takes on a special significance to Dr. Schwalm. The basis is established on a comprehensive assessment of your pain and discomfort. Dr. Schwalm has intensively studied many chiropractic techniques to pick out those that are appropriate for each special need and comfort of the patient. Dr. Schwalm has genuine concern for your health and aims for a correct diagnosis. At the Parkway Chiropractic Center, have a goal in life to assist patients in recovery and gain back their optimum health. Dr. Schwalm hopes to help you maintain long-term wellness as a result of eliminating painful symptoms. Z