PCS is engaged in all sorts of illegal activity in and around San Francisco. But they are not alone (Imperial Parking is another one). They essentially are a modern version of the mob. Under the guise of "helping" property owners, they impersonate the government and ticket as many cars as they can knowing that most of their tickets are being wrongfully issued. They keep some or all of the money they collect in exchange for this "service." They make ridiculous demands (PCS states for example that all disputes must be in writing within 21 days while impark states "written disputes not accepted"), charge outrageous fees, and make the ticket very hard to fight. They are banking on the fact that you would rather pay than stand up for your rights and make outrageous threats, including that the "amount" will be referred to a "debt collection agency" even though no debt is involved. What laws are they violating you might ask? (1) Impersonating the government -- they have enteredt settlement agreements with some cities though and appear to be moving slightly away from some practices, such as using an image of the American flag, (2) fraud, (3) false pretenses, (4) racketeering, (5) illegal use of the mail, and probably many others.
Parking lot owners who permit this activity should take notice as they are acting in concert with them and losing customers in the process.