This place is a rundown dump that has a fraudulent staff and could care less about the tenants. Beyond that they will attempt to keep your deposit and try to charge you for an extra months? rent. It is noisy with two busy streets and a fire station next door. The condition of the place is as it was when they built it and have apparently not maintained professionally ever since. They paint the sinks, tub and counters in the bathrooms. The kitchen counters and cabinet fake wood veneers are peeling off. The stairs are about to fall down and the sub foundation over the garage would not survive an earthquake. The only reason I moved there was that it was a six month temporary lease. When I left they were trying to keep me there by offering a reduced rent of $1100 a month of which I wouldn?t even consider a reduction to $800. DO NOT MOVE HERE! Oh yea there are additional utility charges. They make you pay for water and trash at 40 a month plus you have to get renters insurance. Shady, shady place. I was always looking for Jack and Chrissy. The laundry center works half the time too.