I have one complicated jaw problem! Arthritis has completely degenerated my left tmj and my right tmj is dislocated causing immense and ever-increasing pain. Dr. Papir spent much time making a splint for me to help me with the pain until I can get jaw surgery. Unfortunately, I am disabled and though I receive both Medicare and Medicaid, neither insurances consider damage to the mandible a medical condition vs. a dental condition unless it involves fracture or malignancy. How a missing condyle, the ball-like joint on the ends of the mandible which serve to connect the mandible to the temporal bone, is not considered one heck of a fracture so I can get the overdue total tmj replacement surgery, I have no idea. Dr. Papir realized, right away, the severity of my illness and kindly has checked on me periodically. I really don't know if he's ever attempted to charge my insurances for I have received no copy of a bill which Medicare and Medicaid always provide me with following medical treatment. I believe Dr. Papir is a dying-breed of doctor! He truly cares about people so when and if I ever miraculously stumble upon a fortune, I will not forget to share my riches with such a wonderful person as Dr. Papir. Thank You, Dr. Papir! You're a gift to society! Jill B. Johnson
Pros: Honestly cares.