Instead of trying to eat this disgusting slop, why not play some street hockey with it. There's so many good places that make edible pizza, Papa Johns should lower their prices down to the cost of a hockey puck. Then you could swing by Papa Johns and get yourself a pepperoni hockey puck on your way to the game. I've had the pleasure of scoring three goals with a medium cheese, pepperoni with hot peppers. It gets expensive though. I wouldn't recommend frisbee golf unless you use a straight cheese pie (no meat). If you leave it on the counter for two days, you have one fourth of a nice set of wagon wheels for your pick up truck. If you let the cheese cool down, you can sharpen it on your bench grinder and presto, a new set of lawn mower blades appears before your eyes. If you small dice the pepperoni while it's still warm, you can shoot the pieces out of a BB gun. Or better yet, make a chinese throwing star and really impress your friends.
Pros: Can be used as a hockey puck or for frisbee golf
Cons: They charge money for it