Although I can not speak for any of the other Palm Beach tanning salons, this particular one GAVE ME RINGWORM. Now, I'm usually one to keep the peace and I decided it would be best to contact the manager at this particular salon and inform her that their poorly sanitized beds were transmitting communicable diseases.
It was almost insulting how quickly I was brushed off. First the manager asked me if I had heat rash. I am a premedical student currently taking microbiology and working in the, no, I think I would know the difference between a skin rash and a skin FUNGUS. I also informed her that I had a doctor I work with check it out and he confirmed that I did indeed have ringworm.
Having been to no other potentially communicable areas and given the timeline that is common with ringworm (usually becomes symptomatic 4-10 days after exposure) I am 110% certain that Palm Beach transmitted this to me!
Of course, the manager informed me that the pH that their tanning beds were kept at prohibited the growth of such things. I, taking the side of logic, know that it only takes ONE poor cleansing job to leave behind pathogenic microbes. Needless to say, she did not refund my tanning package and I am stuck with a skin disease that can potentially take weeks to go away!
Save yourself the drama, pick a different tanning salon.