I had a Dermatology appt. w/ Dr. Arthur Smith in Lake Worth mid-Oct. 2006. I have listed my complete experience below...DON'T SEE THIS DERMATOLOGIST! HE AND HIS STAFF ARE NOT GREAT!
After waiting about 30 minutes in the waiting room, I went back into the exam room and answered routine questions from the nurse, who was super nice.
A student-DR came in and asked a few questions (while doing other things and never looking at me until it was completely necessary!) A few minutes later, Dr Arthur Smith came into the room and asked the same questions and looked over the meds sheet that both DR's wanted to put me on. Dr. Smith didn't give me much notice either.
I was really there for a possible reason as to why I'm 30 years old and am still having acne problems and to get A prescription to help. Both DR's agreed to put me on 4 (four!!) different kinds of antibiotics, creams, gels, etc. I made sure to remind the nurse and both DR's that I as allergic to sulfa. They were in and out in a matter of minutes with me. Doesn't make a patient feel great!
When I proceeded to check-out, I was charged $75 (my co-pay is supposed to be $45) but I figured they "knew what they were doing" and I paid the $75.
Needless to say, a few days later (after taking four different kinds of meds, creams, gels my face was beet red, sensitive, peeling and burned. My throat was also beginning to swell but I figured I was getting a cold. I called the DR's office and told them what was going on and they told me to stop EVERYTHING until my next visit...scheduled for 5 weeks later.
The next day, my throat was still not doing well, so I looked up the antibiotic that the DR prescribed for me.. and it had sulfa in it! HELLO!!!! That's why you tell your doctors what your allergic to!!!!
I have received my explanation of benefits from my insurance co. and it shows I was overcharged and my ins. co. has already paid them.
Between the DR's not listening to my allergies, not paying attention to me and being overcharged, I called to demand a refund and cancel my next appt. The receptionist said I had a credit of $35, $5 from a Jan. 2006 appt. and $30 from the Oct. 2006 appt. She asked if this was correct and I said "I guess so, I didn't know I had a credit from Jan." She said that I did indeed have a credit and she would print off the request for a refund immediately. While I was waiting, I asked her if it was their policy to keep money that is supposed to be refunded...meaning the $5 from Jan. She got mad and actually said, "Cheryl, it's only $5!"
After a few choice words for her, I am expecting my refund shortly and cancelled my next appt. I also contacted my ins. co. to let them know what kind of DR they have on their medical plan.
If you are looking for a Dermatologist, I suggest not going to this office. They seem to not care much about their patients and they overcharge (and don't refund). I have given you, probably waaaaay too much, information so you can decide for yourself.