Found these guys on craigslist, looked like they had some great deals on good quality furniture. We checked them out on a Saturday and they were fairly busy, we had to wait a few minutes to be helped but it gave us a chance to look around. Even though they were busy we were still greeted when we came in which was nice. We ended up picking out a couple items, a bed set and sectional. The bed set seemed to be really nice, solid wood with nice drawer glides. The sectional is made in Oregon and what's neat is you can choose your own fabric to have it made in. The wait time was 2 weeks but we thought it was worth it. We were attracted to the lifetime warranty on it as well. We chose setup delivery (they have a curbside option as well) and the delivery guys did a great job. We also liked they give a precise delivery window of two hours so you don't have to wait around all day. We've had the furniture now for about two months and it's been great. We shopped around quite a bit and they seemed to have the best prices on the furniture they carry, especially the level of the quality. They'll tell you they only carry high quality stuff and it seems to be the case, we saw a lot of junk all around the city. Overall it was a great experience, we received great service (the owner was who helped us) and we love our furniture.