My 3 year daughter expressed an interest in dance so I decided to try out a class at Pacific Dance with Ms. Janna. It turned out to be an awful and truly devastating experience. I had heard the studio was on the strict side, so I talked to my daughter at great lengths about how important it was to listen to the teacher. We got to class and my daughter was over the top excited. She started class and was behaving very well. Mid-way through the class, she told Ms. Janna she needed to go potty. Ms. Janna removed her from the class and I commented that it was funny she said that because she was not fully potty trained yet. At that point I was informed that the children need to be potty trained in order to do the class and they kicked my daughter out. They would not even let her finish out the 30 minutes remaining in the class. I was never informed of their policy on potty training before having my daughter try the class, and yet she was punished and kicked out of the class. My daughter cried for hours after the class telling me she listened to the teacher. She now thinks she was punished for not being potty trained. I understand and support the use of discipline in sports. I feel it is a critical element of childhood development. However, to kick out a three year old for not being potty trained, when it was no fault of her own, is absolutely appalling. I am disgusted by this studio and strongly discourage parents from subjecting their children to this kind of environment.