WARNING: OXI CARPET CLEANING DOES NOT CLEAN YOUR CARPET! IT JUST ADDS STUFF INTO ON TOP OF IT, AND RUBS IT INTO YOUR CARPET!! TO BE SETTLED DOWN ON THE BOTTOM TOGETHER WITH ALL THE DIRT! I paid almost $200 to have my carpets cleaned by Oxi Fresh. My carpets weren’t too dirty to begin with; I just wanted to freshen them up, and some little spots here and there. It did not make my carpets look any better, neither did they SMELL fresh! In a matter of fact, I think they smell kinda MUSTY now since they rubbed some kind of weird solution on to it. A few times now, I have had to spot clean, and used my Bissell hand held carpet cleaner, and the water that it sucked out of the carpet was BLACK! You cannot see it on the surface, but believe me, if you suck that stuff out of the carpet it won’t be clean! I tried many times to have a manager come by so that I could show them, but the only response I got was from 2 girls wanting to come by to spot clean. I told them I don’t need any spot cleaning I NEED that STUFF sucked out of my carpet! Nobody wanted to respond anymore. Consider it a warning if they walk in with only a small container of solution and nothing to suck it back out with, WHERE DO YOU THINK THE DIRT WENT?!!??? I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND OXY CLEAN TO ANYBODY!!!!