A smile can truly cause a tear. After many years of having bad teeth and no smile, the amazing Nalin Patel DMD and Arpan Patel DMD changed my life. They created the smile Dog Millionaire Contest and chose me as one of their winners. From the first time I walked into their office, I have been treated with dignity and respect, something you don't find a lot of these days. Talk about your true professionals! The Patels and their staff went well beyond my Smile Dog prize to give me a perfect smile. For the first time I was able to smile at my daughters to show how very proud of them I am. I had a great big smile on my face and a tear in m eye. Thank you for your compassion, kindness and gift of a smile. In a million years, I could never thank you enough. You definitely got the name right, Oxford Valley Dental EXCELLENCE. A big emphases on Excellence. Thank you once again. -A Very Happy Patient