Kamy and Aubrey what you have done in our community will never be matched. The instruction and the personal care for the girls is what the parents adored, you can see the change since the sale of the business. You never cared about the money, you care about the students. All the respect for you was well deserved most of us new you were giving alot away to help the folks in need or to help the community. We all LOVE you lots. When your finally settled in I'll give you a call maybe we could fly the girls down for some private instruction. We Love you guys and you are terribly missed the studio isnt the same already. As we the mothers and a few fathers(lol the men love it too) talk its sad to say that it will never be as good as when you guys were the owners. God Bless you and we will see you in the future. Hope hubby is doing well with his treatments your dance teams prayers are with you.