On Sunday, May 31st 2009, I went to go make a rather large donation, of unused shoes, some external hard drives, unworn brand name clothes, an easel and other goods. This snobby flamboyant man wanted everything except a perfectly good easter basket with grass and a plethora of colorful eggs.
Moving and not wanting to take things back home I asked the guy well, ""well, can't you take everything?""
He said ""no"",
Feeling a little disgusted that they would pick and choose what they wanted I said to him ""take the basket or don't take anything at all"" in hopes that he would give in.
He very rudely grabbed my stuff and said ""goodbye toots"" in his annoying flaming snobby gay man voice. The audacity for him to speak to someone that is donating like that is beyond me. I could have just thrown this stuff out, but I took my time & effort to go donate for a good cause.
This fueled my spark so upon walking out I left the bag at the front of the store. Crazy man ran after me, yelling ""hey lady"" I ignored him because he's a JE*K OFF, then he ran after me.
I got in my car and locked the door. He tried to open my door upon realizing that it was locked he dumped ALL of my donations on the hood of my car. I was scared and didn't know what he would do next.
Luckily I had the protection of my car. Then he stood in front of my car and wouldn't let me out of my parking spot. He was trying to take a picture with his camera phone. I almost had to run him over.
Most of my donations were left strewn all over the street that is except for a beautiful easel and 15 Barbra Streisand LP's which were still in my car because I was going to make 2 trips. Sorry gay men, Barbra Streisand records are now in the garbage, you can thank that d*uche bag that works at Out of The Closet.
Please do not shop here but if you do please ask them if they have any easter baskets.
Pros: Good Cause / Bad people
Cons: Rude Staff that will assault you if you donate.