The Scene
Owner Gregg Katz designed Out of Hand's artsy swirls and handprint motif with his mom. Window walls brighten the spacious interior and you'll find porch furniture and outdoor patios at all locations.
The Food
Mexicanesque with attention to wholesomeness. Out of Hand fries its chips in canola oil and grills its chicken and steak for tacos, enchiladas, and quesadillas. You can even request fat-free sour cream. Burritos come in one- and two-hand sizes with stuffings that include Thai chicken with peanut sauce or vegetarian stir fry. Order the fiesta quesadilla--chicken, pinto beans, and fixings rolled in a pico de gallo tortilla. Choose a flan (or a scoop of Edy's ice cream) over the fried apple-cinnamon dessert burrito. Skip the bland tortilla soup.