Ostir Chiropractic has a beautiful sign outside their office that states come in for a free consultation. I googled them, found their website and checked it out. It looked very nice, and seemed like a HONEST, professional practice. I made an appt for a consultation, being that I had never gone into a chiropractor before I had several questions and did not know how everything worked. I filled out a bunch of forms when I arrived, then preceeded to have a one on one meeting with DR BEAL in his office. I asked how does this work with insurance, how much does it cost, etc etc. He said ""Well we will give you a consultation today, and then once you come back in we will go over what is causing your pain, explain different options for treatment, and let you know how much everything costs once we see what is going on"". I said ok great! When I left STEPHANIE asked me if I would like to make a follow up appointment and they are only open during hours when I am at work. I was unable to come back in immediately due to work, well about 2 weeks later I receive a bill for $290.00!!!!! I called and asked what it was for and I was told it was for the xrays. At no point during my consultation was I EVER told that ""this is not included"" or just so you know this is an additional fee, NOTHING like this. Now I have a $290.00 bill for something I never even received a diagnosis for, or viewed the xrays. Their website is VERY MISLEADING, absoutely FALSE ADVERTISING, and I totally regret going. DR BEAL is a LIAR and this practice is a SCAM! They try to lure people in and tell you what you want to hear and then screw you in the end. DEF look before you even THINK about going to this place unless you just feel like getting ripped off!!!