If you are diabetic and need to visit the doctor frequently, the last thing you want is to leave each quarterly checkup feeling depressed. Dr. James Chappell was my doctor for the first two years after I was diagnosed as diabetic, and I always dreaded my visits – I always had to brace myself for the criticism. Early on, I was continually reprimanded for eating too many fatty foods, such as cheese. Toward the end my time there, however, when I was eating mostly carbohydrates, my blood sugars started getting pretty high; my doctor told me to start eating more protein and fatty foods (such as cheese), and recommended that I go on the South Beach diet. Well, it turned out that he had just failed to tell me that one of my insulins went bad after a month, and I’d been using it while it wasn’t as effective. I was so upset about his wishy-washy treatment suggestions and the fact that he tried to suggest I go on a fad diet (I weighed 115 pounds, max) that I left and found a new endocrinologist. My diabetes has been under good control ever since!