The gentleman who picked my party up at the Orlando Airport was extremely rude, from the start of the encounter until the end. When we were waiting for our luggage, he appeared extremely annoyed, as our luggage was not among the first to appear on the belt. His demeanor made me very uncomfortable, and at this time I nearly cancelled the service.
When we got the the car, I had to ask him numerous times to provide the booster seat for my young daughter, despite this being clearly indicated on the reservation, as well as confirmed on the phone reservation. Once we were in the vehicle, I attempted to confirm that a grocery stop had been requested. He proceeded to argue this with me, insinuating that I had not requested this on my reservation (which I had). While driving, he started shuffling papers around, in an attempt to prove me wrong, it seemed. He begrudgingly agreed that I had, in fact, requested the grocery stop.
Upon arrival at the hotel, he unloaded our bags, and I asked him if I was all set, if I needed to sign anything, etc. He said, ""I am to collect the gratuity from you.""
I was so taken aback by this, I nearly refused to give him the gratuity. I had his gratuity in hand (which was less than I had originally planned on giving him, due to his poor service and continued rudeness) and handed it over without a word.
Had he not asked for the gratuity, I probably would have chalked this all up to him having a bad day. But that was really the last straw! I wish I hadn't given him anything, but I was honestly just shocked...