When I first began looking into acupuncture, I learned that “Eastern Medicine” approaches the well-being of an individual to achieve a balanced state compared to “Western Medicine’s” approach of treating disease through prescription, lab tests and, sometimes, surgery. Prescriptions have side effects that are often treated with other prescriptions. Enough was enough for me, so I tried acupuncture at Oriental Medicine in Georgetown, TX. My acupuncture practitioner is Julie Carr.
I appreciated the fact that she took the time on our first appointment to listen to my medical problems and pains. She developed a treatment tailored to my needs from that fact-finding interview. This was important to me because listening has become a lost art. The “Western Medical” doctors that I have seen seem to be in a rush and jump to treatments without seeking, regarding or recognizing the patient’s perspective.
Julie Carr’s acupuncture treatment program has provided me positive results. I like the fact that each treatment begins with a progress report before the next treatment is given.
Let me sum it up this way, she’s talented, listens and cares.
D. Scovil