If you want to find a doctors office that has familiar employee faces, don't go to Orchard Medical Center. The turn around rate of employees is ridiculous! Everytime I walk in that place there's new employees, which leads me to think that there's definitely poor management going on there. It's also very unsettling to find out that I got charged a whole office visit, when I saw only the medical assistant to draw my blood. You know why? Because as long as they take your blood pressure and weight, they can bill it as an office visit and get paid more money. I thought the main purposes of health care was to look out for the best interest of the patient, not to try to squeeze every penny out of them. \r
9 out of 10 times that I have had a scheduled appointment at Orchard Medical Center, I always wait no less than an hour to see the doctor. Why do I have to wait that long when I had a scheduled appointment 2 months prior? I'll tell you why...because they're double and triple booking patient's that same day, which ends up pushing back the patient's that HAD scheduled appointments...NOT FAIR!\r
Oh and don't even get me started on the cleanliness of that place, absolutely disgusting...find a new cleaning company. \r
And if you ask me....sounds like ""thinkpositive2"" is an employee of Orchard Medical Center...that's why you have nothing negative to say about the place.