I had myself transported by ambulance to the Orange Coast Memorial emergency room in late September, 2009, for moderate-severe lower back pain (2 bulging discs). I went by ambulance because the emergency room waiting time was in excess of 2 hours (their emergency room is undergoing renovations). When I arrived I was attended to by a physician's assistant (PA) and a nurse. I was never attended to by a doctor/ physician. I was given some pain medication and scheduled for a CAT Scan (at my request). After the scan I was given a prescription for medication and discharged. I am insured, when I checked my insurance provider's website to check what the cost of the emergency room visit was going to cost my plan, I was billed $4,138.00. This was only for the visit, my plan will be billed separately for the minimal PA & nurse care, the medication provided, the CAT Scan and radiologist time, and who know what else. I am assuming that the total bill will be in excess of $6,000.00 for a two