Update 2011
Susan can be hard to get into but she is still the best! I love her cuts!
Update - 3/27/2009
Well I am happy to report that I still get stopped for great comments about my hair! I had my second haircut from Susan today and she again made me the happiest person as my hair looked perfect.
""Thank you Susan! Thank you Orange!
I have extremely thick, auburn, unruly, naturally wavy hair that is just starting to gray. I have always worn it long and straight, as that was the only style that kept it under control, so to speak. Plus, being a single mom, I don't have time for styling my hair. Well, I really wanted a change. I wanted to find someone who knew how to handle this unforgivable mass of locks. So I started reading through yelp reviews and found Orange in Alameda.
Now I have paid $$$$ in the past for several different topnotch people in SF who also have extremely high reviews here on yelp. They would cut my hair, and then spend an hour try to style the mess of a cut they gave me.
Orange is awesome! Susan spent a lot of time on this beautiful cut. I have now had this cut for 2 months and I literally wash my hair, let it air dry and give it a slight brush and I look like I am stepping off the cover of Vogue. Strangers are constantly stopping me and saying, ""Your hair is gorgeous, who does it?"" I almost hate letting out the secret of how awesome Orange, particularly Susan is, but I feel people should know that if they feel they are helpless with their hair and no one understands how to cut it, do not fret; Orange will set you right. Now I haven't done anything with the color but if I decide to I will go to Orange first.""