OnSite Languages provides an individualized approach to give you,or your employees the confidence they need to improve their language and business communication skills. Your employees will benefit from: improved English fluency (along with 15 other languages),increased productivity,clearer pronunciation,improved speaking confidence,improved listening comprehension,and enhanced presentation skills. Onsite Languages has more than English classes! Here are the languages we currently offer: - Spanish: Catalan (Spain) and Latino (Mexico and South America) 3 Month Modules include: Auto Sales,Banking,City and County Government,Code Enforcement,Construction,Corrections Officer,Court System,Customs Officer,Customer Service,Firefighters and EMS,Golf and Landscapers,Healthcare,Hospitals and Nurses,Hotel and Hospitality,Human Resources,Law Enforcement,Pharmacists,Real Estate,Restaurant and Food Service,Retailers and Supermarkets,State Lotteries,Supervisors and Manufacturers,Teacher and School Administrators,Travelers and Tourists,and Utility and Cable Providers. - Portuguese - Japanese - French - Sign Language - Italian - German - Swiss - Serbian/Croation - Korean - Arabic - Dutch South Afrikaan Don't see what you need? ASK!! We will find a teacher for you!!