Once upon a child in Monroeville is a joke. First, they seem to only market to the white crowd. I took in 250 items and they only bought 11 for $13.00. I had brand new Nike Shocks, and a few pair of Jordans & Timberlands (all Girls) size 8 toddler and they didn't even buy those! I also had Roca wear, Black Label, Derron and other name brands and some were not name brand but the ones I took to sell, were ALL in mint condition! Alot of the clothes on the racks are so ragidy looking and I couldn't believe that they would even try to get money for them! I would love to find out their reasoning for not buying certain clothing? Yet, if i walked in with a worn down pair of Childrens Place jeans, they would buy them! lol but not the brand new Roca Wear outfit. They really need to start broadening there horizon and start buying different styles and name brands because white middle class people are not the only ones that want to save money! And for the record, I'm white and like me their are alot of YOUNG mothers who would jump at the chance to be able to buy their kids names brands like Roca,Wear or Timberlands at flee market prices! Once upon a child in Monroeville has no idea the amount of money they could bring in just by changing it up a little!