Once upon a child in Christiansburg is very organized, though most of the time people have thrown clothing all over the racks and it is difficult to dig through, it is kept in as good of shape as customers will allow it to be. They havent accepted clothes in bags for a long time and when i walked in with bags they were very helpful by offering me a box. They told me they were being selective and they didnt take much, but The clothes had been worn by my son and stained by my son, so they cant be perfect, and something is better than nothing and they donate to a good cause. The girls that went through my things were nice but not overly friendly and when they were through another girl rang me up. she was very nice and so is all the staff that i've met. They have very nice clothes for sale as well as a few duds. but If you are buying secondhand clothing what can you expect? And most of the clothing that isn't in pristine condition isnt that bad. i just needed clothes for my son to wear to daycare. All in all, my expierience was very good and im in there at least once a week.
Pros-great service, great selection
cons-nothing worth nit picking over