Once Upon a Child is a children’s resale shop. While is it nice that the store offers plenty of merchandise, the racks are so stuffed with items that it is very diffiult to browse items and see what is available. The prices in Once Upon a Child are reasonable but on clothing they are not really any better than what can be found for new items at a good sale.
Personally, I refuse to shop at Once Upon a Child anymore. While the products are fine, the attitude of the workers during my past two visits has made me decide not to help further their business with my money. Most recently a worker at the front desk was approached by a customer who was unable to find the item she was looking for. She asked the workers if there was another children’s resale shop nearby where she might look for the item. Good customer service would have had the worker directing her two the other two nearby shops as well as the thrift store across the street. Instead the customer was answered with a rude tone and told that Once Upon a Child has everything anyone might need so no one should need to go anywhere else. Apparently the employees did not realize that if they had helped the customer she might be interested in returning next time. This is the attitude I encounter every time have entered the store and I will not be returning.